Hospitalization at Home is the most recommended option, particularly for the elderly, who need and desire to remain in a familiar and secure home environment. Therefore, subject to determination by the professional team of the suitability of the patient for Home Hospitalization care, this important option is vastly available.
- Staying in a familiar home environment surrounded by family has a positive influence on recovery, mainly among elderly patients.
- Continuous treatment can be effectively managed in a familiar environment.
- Involvement of familiar community medicine facilities – the connection with the family physician, who knows the patient’s medical history, is preserved.
- For the family – Home Hospitalization – Homepital is the key to peace of mind. When patients are in optimal environments, they are calm, comfortable and their recovery improves. These facts put the primary caregivers at ease when coping with the illness on a daily basis in addition to the demands of treatment, whilst still maintaining the majority of their routine.